CI/CD Config in Azure Web App

This blog will show you how you can create a Azure Repo using Azure DevOps and use Deployment Center feature in Azure Web App to enable CI/CD 

Step 1: Creating a Project ( Ignore if you already have a Project created)

Make sure you have adequate permissions to create a project: You must be a member of the Project Collection Administrators group or have the collection-level “Create new projects” permission set to Allow. If you’re the Organization owner, you’re automatically added to the Project Collection Administrators group.

  • Login to Azure DevOps
  • Click on New Project > Give a Project Name > Select a Visibility Type > Click on Create

Step 2: Creating / Importing the Repo

Click on the Project > Repos 

Note: If you are unable to see Repos inside the project, Go to Project Settings > Overview > Make sure Repos service is turned on under Azure DevOps services 

If you have the project files in you local machine you can create a new repo > clone and push, To do that once you are inside Repos > Click on New Repository > Give a Name and Click on Create 

Click on Clone > Copy the Clone URL 

If you already have a git hub repo with the source code, you can simply import the repo

Repos > Files > Import Repository

Give your Git Hub repo Clone URL > Git Hub Username & Password > Give a Name for the Repo > Click on Import

Note: You can also generate a PAT ( Personal Access Token ) in GitHub and use that instead of using a password to Authenticate 

Step 3: Enabling CI/CD in Azure Web App

  • Login to Azure Portal
  • Navigate to your Azure Web App 
  • Click on Deployment Center and Select the Source as Azure Repos

Select the Organization, Project, Repository and the Branch > Click on Save 

You have now configured CI/CD in Azure Web App using Azure Repos 

You can make a commit and check the logs to see if the pipeline is triggered

Once the status is showed as Success ( Active ), Reload the web page / application to see the latest version 

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